- Core platform
- ECMAScript
- 鲸鱼加速器app
- Fetch (includes CORS)
- XMLHttpRequest
- Encoding
- CSS features
- CSS roadmap
- Animations
- Background-image options
- Border images
- Border radius (rounded corners)
- Box shadows
- Box sizing
- Cascading and inheritance
- Colors
- Compositing and Blending
- Containment
- Device Adaptation
- Downloadable fonts (@font-face)
- Exclusions
- Feature queries (@supports)
- Filter Effects
- Fixed positioning (position:fixed)
- Flexible box layout (Flexbox)
- Font-feature settings
- Font loading
- Gradients
- Grid layout
- Hyphenation
- Image Values and Replaced Content
- Logical properties
- Masking
- Media Queries
- 土豆加速器app
- 旋风加速器app官网
- Multiple backgrounds
- Opacity
- Overflow
- Pointer events
- Pseudo-elements
- Scroll Snap Points
- 旋风加速器APP
- Shapes
- Sticky positioning (position:sticky)
- Style attributes
- Syntax
- Text decoration
- Text overflow
- Text shadows
- xf5.app加速器
- Transforms (3D)
- Transitions
- Values and Units
- Will Change
- Writing modes
- CSSOM (CSS Object Model)
- CSSOM View Module
- Graphics and typography
- Canvas
- WebGL
- ios加速器
- MathML
- 旋风加速器app官网
- Media
- Web Audio API
- WebVTT
- Media Source Extensions
- Media Fragments
- Platform interaction, events, messaging
- Notifications API
- Cross-document messaging
- Channel messaging
- 网页加速器
- 旋风加速器APP
- Device Orientation
- Screen Orientation
- UI Events (formerly DOM Events)
- Pointer Events
- Touch Events
- Pointer Lock
- Gamepad
- getUserMedia
- Battery Status
- Vibration
- xf5.app加速器
- HTML Media Capture (the capture attribute)
- Clipboard API and events
- 旋风加速器app官网
- Storage (NavigatorStorage+StorageManager)
- Web Storage (localStorage)
- Indexed Database
- File API
- Blob URLs
- File Reader
- 免费外网加速器app
- Real-time communication
- WebRTC
- WebSocket protocol
- WebSocket API
- Server-Sent Events
- Push API
- Web Components
- ios加速器
- Shadow DOM
- Templates
- HTML bonus features
- classList (DOMTokenList)
- dataset (data-* attributes)
- 安卓加速器
- defer for scripts
- Session-history management
- hashchange
- Sandboxed iframe
- 旋风加速器APP
- contentEditable
- Performance optimization and analysis
- Web Workers
- Shared Workers
- Timing control for script-based animations
- Navigation Timing
- xf5.app加速器
- User Timing
- Performance Timeline
- High Resolution Time
- SIMD (Single instruction, multiple data)
- Security and privacy
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- Upgrade Insecure Requests
- Web Cryptography API
- Referrer policy
- Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)
- Web Authentication
- Other core-platform bonus features
- Structured cloning
- 旋风加速器APP
- Mutation observers
- Streams
- xf5.app加速器
- DOM XPath
- Quirks Mode
- Internationalization API
- xf5.app加速器
- JSON parsing
- Typed Array
- Service Workers
- Intersection Observer
- data URLs
- Foundations
- HTTP/2
- Cookies
- Origin
- 免费外网加速器app
- MIME Sniffing
- Various other
- Web IDL
- ios加速器
- Content-Disposition header
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- ⓤ
- Can I use...
- ⓜ
- MDN (Mozilla Developer Network Reference)
- ⓣ
- Tests: associated test suite
- ⚑
- HTML5 Please recommends as ready to use
- ❢
- HTML5 Please recommends using with caution